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Private versus public Some differences between public and private schools are obvious. But deciding what's right for your child entails shedding light on the subtle distinctions many parents ignore. by: GreatSchools Staff 18063.jpg Private versus public! I

Why Choose Us:

  • Smaller Class sizes

  • 1 to 15 teacher to Student Ratio

  • Blended Learning Model

  • Free educational Field Trips

  • Scholarships Available




How can we possibly prepare

our students for the unknown?


With rapid and constant changes in technology, it is virtually impossible to predict what our students will need to succeed as adults. However, by encouraging children to take initiative and collaborate we are helping them acquire and develop skills that will serve them well no matter what the future brings. An open classroom model lets students pursue their passions and work in an environment that more closely resembles the world outside. This student-centered, hands-on strategy encourages learners to take initiative and pursue what interests them, rather than requiring them to follow a teacher’s lead. Students in an open classroom learn by doing, focusing on projects and collaboration.

Blended Model Learning

 Language Arts includes reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, plus integration of social studies themes. All students participate in Compass Learning, and ancillary motivational reading program.


  Mathematics includes higher-level thinking strategies and problem-solving.


  Science involves students in a hands-on learning program, including the “Engineering is Elementary” Resource Curriculum.

  Technology: Age-appropriated technology programs; all classrooms equipped with SMART Boards,  classrooms set of laptops and Smart devices to enhance the learning experience.

  45 Minutes of Spanish focusing on the goal to speak conversational Spanish.

  Animation and Video Production.  For our Vocational learning students learn the Animation from the ground up. Also students will over the duration of the year learn the entire process of creating a short-film including:  From creating storyboards, storylines, acting, producing, editing, etc..

  Physical Fitness, a three-day a week program, includes both indoor and outdoor activities that facilitate basic skills essential to a child’s physical growth and development, as well as yoga, tennis and swimming.

What We Offer

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