KBF Services

After-school model
Knowledge Builders of Florida, Inc. (KBF) signature program “Plugged into Technology & Academics” (PITA) is an extension of the researched based model “PROJECT LEARN”. PROJECT LEARN was founded on research conducted by Dr. Reginald Clark which showed that low-income students who engaged in a variety of high-yield learning activities in their non-school hours had greater academics success than those who did not. High-yield learning activities are enriched versions of many of the same fun activities that Knowledge Builders (KBF) has always implemented and know how to do well.
What is unique about PROJECT LEARN: It is a strategy, not a program based on a set curriculum. Therefore, it looks a little different in each Club and each community.
The goal of PROJECT LEARN is to improve Club members’ school performance by accomplishing the following outcomes among participants:
• Increased motivation to learn.
• Increased school attendance.
• Better grades.
Summer Camp
Knowledge Builders offers a summer camp that infuses ACADEMICS & Project Base LEARNING, accompanied by educational and amusing field trips. Each camper is engaged in literacy improvement, math enhancement, social skills, gain physical strength, and learn and inspire through hands-on project based learning.
In addition, through an agreement with The Children’s Trust, Florida International University and Knowledge Builders of Florida, Inc., the Summer Reading Explorers supplemental reading services is offered to our campers rising Kindergarten (age five by September 1, 2022), rising first grade students and struggling second grade summer campers. That means rising Kindergartens, first grade and struggling second grade summer campers will benefit from "TUTORING" that adds structured reading instruction to small groups (4-5 children) and is tailored to the children’s ability levels, delivered for 30 minutes/day, 4 days/week for 7 weeks in addition to the educational enrichment.