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Accommodations for children with Disabilities

Accommodations for Children With Disabilities:

  • KBFs’ staff are trained in  "Discovering Inclusion" and "Learning Together: Strategies That Work for All Children" offered by CCDH, Inc.’s ACT program.    

  • Staff work with family members and school staff to ensure consistency in promoting learning and behavior strategies.

  • Direct lines of communication are created with participant's teachers through homework journals and access to program's phone number and email address for additional follow-up. 

  • Additional resources may be found here: 

    • The Advocacy Network on Disabilities- Champions the rights of individuals with intellectual, developmental, and other disabilities by promoting inclusion, providing services, and advancing systems change.

    • Switchboard of Miami: The 2-1-1 helpline assists with health and social services in our community by providing assessment of need and crisis counseling. Services are available 24/7 every day in English, Spanish and Creole, with other languages available as well. With more than 5,000 entries, we maintain the largest and most comprehensive database of social services for the county and beyond.

    • UM CARD – Center for Autism and Related Disabilities: Provide supports and assistance with the goal of optimizing the potential of people with autism and related disabilities.

    • The Children’s Trust   -The Children's Trust partners with the community to improve the lives of all children and families in Miami-Dade County. The Children's Trust envisions a community that works together to provide the essential foundations to enable children to achieve their full potential.

    • Parent to Parent- Parent to Parent of Miami is a Community Parent Resource Center serving parents of children with disabilities in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties and provides information, educational training and support to families who have children and adults with disabilities and/or special needs

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