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Join the party!! 

We understand that all of us are trying to navigate through uncertain times and move towards a new normal. Knowledge Builders is offering a hybrid program to assist those who need a form of childcare. A hybrid program combines two phases; virtual hangout and tutoring for MSO/distant learners and onsite after-school tutorial program. 
Just like in previous years, Knowledge Builders’ signature program, “S.M.A.R.T” Kidz initiative integrates Sports, Math, Arts, Reading, and Technology into the lives of elementary students to promote academic achievement and healthy habits, while enhancing their mental, physical, social, and emotional well-being was a success either via virtual or our site. Our goal this year is to “Celebrate the power of HYBRID”. 
Beginning Tuesday, September 8th, through a virtual platform, Knowledge Builders will offer all keys components of our program while engaging our students, having fun and academically improving our students.     Students enjoy amazing virtual field trips, talent shows, gaming challenges, and structured socializing hangout.  KBF hybrid program will offer virtual tutoring to support distant learners during Phase A, Monday – Friday, 4pm – 6pm, starting Tuesday, September 8th via Zoom, FREE. 
Distant learners needing onsite tutoring are welcome to onsite after-school tutorial program.
Parents registered in virtual hangout, will be given preference for onsite after-school tutorial program.
Afterschool & Tutoring RR Moton[15450].p


Introducing new on-line forms!!

Reserve your spot today!!!
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