The open-classroom model
Curricular programs that demand effective teaching, quiet reflection, and analysis will never go out of fashion, especially with today’s parents. Special needs children also thrive in quiet, safe, and secure learning environments free from student traffic, noise, and distractions. Taken together, academically able students and “special needs” kids represent a significant proportion of today’s students and they will continue to thrive better in smaller, contained classrooms where the focus is on learning not fraternizing with their peers.
The purpose of Knowledge Builders day learning program is to promote growth, academic achievement and healthy habits among students in grades Kinder-5th by offering a variety of learning and enrichment activities in a safe and well supervised environment. Students of Knowledge Builders day learning program are taught in small groups for all core subjects, including writing and science. By fostering an environment in which students learn in small groups, they get a more personalized education that meets their individual needs and they receive instruction at their level. Whole group instruction where one teacher teaches to the average student has been eliminated.
Knowledge Builders vision is simply, "Get to and through College". After a year being enrolled in Knowledge Builders day learning program, students will become equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in MDPS elementary and/or college-preparatory middle school setting. The ultimate goal here is to get all students back on grade level or above grade level. Our students will take pride in their unique identities and will work hard, be nice, stay strong, and make good choices to fulfill their potential. They will emerge and be ready to seize upon the vast array of opportunities they find before them.
Knowledge Builders Academy motto is to “All students WILL learn”. Knowledge Builders Academy is designed built on mastery of standards and academic language and the cultivation of critical thinking, problem solving, and effective communication skills, Knowledge Builders Academy will develop students who are strong in mind.
Program Goals
Knowledge Builders Academy is aligned with the following philosophies:
Teach academic skills
Foster intellectual habit
Cultivate the character traits needed for students to strive in middle school, college and life
All children can be success in school and society.
The success of a child’s education must include the parent, the program, the Teacher and the child.
High quality, research-based practices that is culturally competent and sensitive is the key to a positive learning experience.
Expectations for Students
Students at Knowledge Builders Academy are encouraged to demonstrate the following behavior:
1. Kindness to others
2. Truthfulness
3. Respect for and courtesy towards the person and property of others
4. Punctuality in attendance and in assigned work
5. Respect for and obedience to those in authority
6. Diligence in effort and attention to detail.
7. Personal Integrity